Transformers character Rumble is hijacking and riding a different character called Dragstrip who is in car vehicle mode.

The Chuckwagon

Big things coming (or not)!

Under constructionUnder construction

This site was made with a 1920 X 1080 screen in mind, but it should be relatively accessible on mobile. There's not much happening here right now unless you lift up the rock and look underneath.

I'm not new to messing with HTML and CSS, but this is still a big learning experience because there are lot of things I have yet to learn. I should probably introduce myself though.

The name is Chuck, and frankly, I ain't much. Most of my background studies involve media, design, language, and research. I live nowhere worth mentioning; just pretend I live in your computer or phone. My longest life interests have been in mecha, models, miniatures, and Stargate. Many a shelf of mine sits crowded with figures and models - stay tuned for pictures.

Birding has slowly taken over a lot of my free time aside from poring over Transformers, and for that, the kingfisher family has stolen my heart.